Monday, October 29, 2018

Dental Implants

Why is it Bad to Lose a Tooth?

Whether as the result of an accident or other trauma or the more common cause of gum disease, is it so terrible to lose a tooth? You can’t die from it, right? No, you can’t, but the loss of even one tooth can cause other teeth to shift around, which causes problems. This can impact chewing and the ability to absorb nutrients. Other bad things can happen with your appearance: your face changes shape, giving you a sunken look. This can lead to premature aging, so you might look much older than you actually are. The way you talk can be affected. Because it’s more difficult to chew with missing teeth, you may lean towards eating softer foods with more carbohydrates, which can cause weight gain. The most beneficial way to treat a missing tooth (or missing teeth) is with traditional dental implants. An implant can replace any number of lost teeth. They are constructed to look so natural that even dentists have to look hard to see any difference.

Jeffrey B. Kravitz, DDS, DICOI    
417 Water Street   
Wakefield, MA 01880    
(781) 245-7714

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